Keeping Tabs on Sales Leads with Channel Partners is committed to providing software tools to enable manufacturers with under 100 million in sales to keep tabs on their many resellers.  Often called channel partners, these manufacturers’ representatives, distributors and other resellers are the life blood of their selling efforts.  A key ingredient in sales success is tracking the many leads sent to partners.  Large sums of marketing dollars are spent to generate sales leads. Thus, it is important for manufacturers to have a way to track how the leads are distributed and whether they are followed up on. 

Enter LeadSmart.

LeadSmart is a Customer Relationship Management system that doubles as a marketing automation engine and integrates with the PartnerAmp Learning Management System.   This is a quick review of what makes LeadSmart such an important part of the PartnerAmp technology stack. 

CEO, Kevin Brown explained that 70% of manufacturers sales are through individuals and companies not employed by the manufacturer (resellers, brokers, distributors, etc.) yet there are only a few software products on the market other than expensive Partner Relationship Management (PRM) systems that automate and manage those external relationships. 

LeadSmart looks like a Customer Relationship Management System because it is one and it is built on the Salesforce CRM foundation. The key advantage of using LeadSmart is that it provides the Manufacturer and the Channel Partner a view of lead status.

In other words, the key to managing these external relationships are knowing what is happening to channel partner sales leads and inviting a partner to visit the manufacturers’ lead dashboard. 

Here is a quick overview of LeadSmart screens and user experience: 

Assigning a Lead to a Partner

The manufacturer enters an account and can assign a sales representative to a lead. In the screen shot below, you can see that the lead is assigned to both a manufacturer’s representative and a distributor.

Assigning a Lead to a Partner

The manufacturer enters an account and can assign a sales representative to a lead. In the screen shot below, you can see that the lead is assigned to both a manufacturer’s representative and a distributor.

Each Channel Partner can visit their portal to review updates.

The integration between LeadSmart and PartnerAmp Learning Management System allows the manufacturer to gain validation that the Channel Partner has adequate or superior product knowledge. LeadSmart manage leads without using spreadsheets or e-mail, and it integrates with a learning management system. It also provides marketing automation functionality to coordinate communication efforts to the many leads manufacturers collect. 

Partner Lead Registration & The Channel Partner Portal

Partners can register their own leads, which are then automatically tracked within the system. The Channel Partner Portal allows channel partners to access, track, and manage the assigned leads and collaborate in real-time with the internal sales teams both on desktop and mobile devices. This is all supported via an integrated marketing automation program with built-in templates.

These campaigns can take advantage of the built-in templates provided.

This automation also helps manufacturers send out pre-scheduled e-mail summaries and lead notifications to channel partners based on their specific lead assignments providing detailed partner feedback on submitted leads.

Schedule a PartnerAmp demo to learn more about training your channel partners using a learning management system. 


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